This spot is fun but can be short lived only about an hour to two of wind Works on a N, NW, W. West is a little bit choppy up and down but still works. Your NW to N will be the most consistent wind. I've ridden here in August several times but couldn't say what time of day is best. One day with overcast solid 15mph in the morning. The next bright sunny day with 12mph coming from the west. The best wind is at the north of the lake but this is just a fun wide open spot fewer boats usually.
This is technically a boat launch /trailer parking location. So use the southern end of the launch area to stay out of the way.
Launching from the boat launch puts you right into the deep water which is where I like to take off from but if there are people loading/unloading boats right off the shore works well.
Conditions the sand is large granules but walkable for the tender foot you might want booties.
Water is warmer but you might want at least a 3mil suit late summer and early summer will want something more. If the wind feels like its dropping
S,SW could work here but you need some serious wind 20+ to deal with the kind of luls and holes coming off the bluff to the south.