Chair Peak
Chair Peak is a sought-after destination nestled in the Alpental Valley. This location offers breathtaking views such as Bryant Peak, Source Lake, and a fascinating panorama from Chair Peak Basin. A route to the north side via the first notch in the ridge is typically preferred for its relative safety. Once on the ridge, skiers can enjoy views of the NE Buttress and onward towards Snow Lake. The skiing terrain on the north slopes of Chair is quite remarkable – moderately steep and filled with soft, deep snow, providing an adventurous descent towards Snow Lake. However, caution is required for lower, unseen cliffs. Additional points of interest include the ice formations on Snow Lake's shore, Snoqualmie Mountain at the lake's end, and magnificent views of Mt. Garfield. Skiers should note that the south-facing snow tends to deteriorate under strong sunlight, presenting some challenging conditions on the final descent to Source Lake.